
Red Stick Lacrosse Offering Free Lacrosse Clinics

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Submitted by Jeff King
    The Red Stick Lacrosse organization is sponsoring a series of FREE “Introduction to Lacrosse” clinics for kids who have not played organized lacrosse before.  The clinic is for kids ages 10 through the 10th grade, and no equipment is required.  This is a great way for kids and parents to learn about the game of lacrosse, the fastest growing sport in the US.  The clinic is being held every Monday starting July 28th for five weeks at Antioch Blvd Park (6229 Antioch Blvd.) from 6:30 to 7:45 PM.  This is open to anyone who has not played organized lacrosse before, as sessions will teach the basic understanding and skills of the game.  Red Stick Lacrosse is a non-profit organization with volunteer coaches who are not compensated for this program.  The program’s intent is to raise the awareness of and participation in youth lacrosse in Baton Rouge.  Visit for more information, or email