
The Future of Public Safety in Central

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CENTRAL FIRST BLUE b    I would like to preface this with an expression of gratitude for all of the public safety professionals, paid and volunteer, who put themselves at risk every day to protect others.  The discussion of government and tax dollars that follows should in no way be taken as a lack of respect for the job that our volunteers and paid professionals do for communities such as Central out of their desire to serve others.
    This month our City Council will hear from Chief Salsbury in support of his request to increase funding for the Central Police Department, or CPD.  I indeed hope that the Chief has a great plan, because we all want to be safe here in Central, in fact, it would be great to see the plan now so that we can all be prepared to comment intelligently at the Council meeting on July 22nd.
    In my business experience I evaluate projects and business plans frequently, almost weekly.  When we consider a potential project or expenditure we ask ourselves a few questions: Do we need this?  What is the long term cost? Can we afford this?  I will be looking for answers to these questions when I see the long term plan for Public Safety that lies behind the current funding request.
    Do we need this?  I understand that we all want to be safe, but how are we doing in that area now?  What is Central’s current crime rate in each category of crime?  What was it 5 years ago and even ten years ago before incorporation?  How does our current rate compare to the Parish, other cities, the state, and the nation?  Are we comfortable leaving it where it is and is the application of more resources (dollars) likely to improve those numbers?  At the very least, if we have actual statistics we will be able to measure the effectiveness of any additional funding.
    What is the long term cost?  In order to know the ultimate cost a plan needs to outline what the CPD is intended to be in 5, 10, or 20 years.  When asking for financing to build a $200,000 house, the bank will want to know the total cost.  Telling them that the foundation will only cost $10,000 won’t get you the funding.  If the ultimate price tag for what the CPD will be in 10 years is something that this community can’t pay, it would be unwise to spend money laying the foundation.
    Can we afford this?  If the need exists and the long term costs are known, we still have to deal with the reality of whether funding the plan is possible, and I mean the long term plan, not just this year’s part of the plan.  I would love to see every road in Central have new pavement, and I would like to have a police car patrolling every neighborhood, but I also have no desire to pay any more in taxes than I have to.
    I look forward to being able to support a long term Public Safety Plan.  Please show us that Central needs it, that we know what it will cost the taxpayers in the long run, and that Central can afford it.  That would be Good News for a Great City.