CAPA Corner
Sometimes I feel like the ant that's living on a piece of wood traveling down a lazy river. To the ant this piece of wood is his whole world, his truth. In reality though, the massive river is but a small stripe within the world; and in his wildest dreams he could never imagine the river!
We see through the eyes we've been given, meaning our understanding of the truth is based upon our own unique perceptions of what we accept as absolute.
Some diminish themselves because they have been repeatedly diminished by others.
They can only see the reflection of someone who is "less than" because that's the truth they've come to accept.
This process is played out in a variety of ways all around us, and, yes, even within us constantly- more times than we could hope to count.
How easily we become so firmly fixed, that there's little hope of ever bring fixed?
The wonderful thing about Jesus is that He came to unfix us.
He sets us free from half truths and complete lies, helping those who would receive His help to view the world from a different perspective. It's like making the jump from believing that the world is flat to knowing that it's actually round. It'll blow your mind!
Being a companion of Christ helps one to stand upon new vistas, giving them a much clearer view of everything.
Don't get me wrong- we can and often do choose to believe once again that the world is flat because it helps us fit in with flatlanders. But you'll never be content to just stay there ever again. When you've seen the river, it's hard to go back to the piece of wood. You'd rather discover more. The more is always found in Jesus!
Dale Phillips
Comite Baptist Church