
CCSS Finance Committee Meeting Wednesday

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The Finance Committee will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, May 28th in the meeting room of the Central Community School System Administrative Offices at 6PM. The agenda is listed below.  The meeting is open to the public.

Meeting Agenda

   1. Call to Order
   2. To receive information from the actuary regarding measures which could be taken to impact the Unfunded Accrued Liability for Retiree's Health Insurance, review various policies from other school systems and take appropriate action. (Requested by Mr. Faulk, presented by actuary and staff)
   3. To consider and take appropriate action regarding the following Budgets:
   a. 2013-2014 Revised Carl Perkins Grant
   b. 2013-2014 Revised Student Enhancement Grant
   c. 2013-2014 Revised Title I Grant
   d. 2013-2014 Revised Title II Grant
   e. 2013-2014 Revised IDEA Grant
   f. 2013-2014 Revised IDEA-Preschool Grant
   g. 2013-2014 Revised Child Nutrition Budget
   h. 2013-2014 Revised General Fund Budget
   i. 2013-2014 Capital Project Budget
   j. 2013-2014 Debt Service Budget
   4. To receive a report on various construction budgets. (Requested by Mr. Faulk, presented by staff)
   5. To receive a report on Sales Tax Bond Reserve Accounts. (Requested by Mr. Faulk, presented by Mr. Faulk)
   6. Adjourn