
CCSS School Board Meeting Tonight

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The school board will meet tonight at 6 PM in the Central High theater.

There is a possibility that Item #13 and Item #14 will be discussed in Executive Session.


Meeting Agenda


   1. Call to Order
   2. Prayer
   3. Pledge
   4. Roll Call
   5. Recognitions
   a. Teacher of the Year
   b. Support Employee of the Year
   6. To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on April 14, 2014 and take appropriate action.
   7. To consider approval of the minutes from the Strategic Planning Session held on April 16, 2014 and take appropriate action.
   8. To consider approval of the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on April 17, 2014 and take appropriate action.
   9. To consider granting the staff permission to advertise plans and specifications to accept bids for the parking lot at the former Central Middle School and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk)
   10. To receive a report regarding Assurance of Employment Letters. (Mr. Faulk)
   11. Superintendent's Report (Mr. Faulk)
   12. Announcements
   13. To consider a parent's appeal of an expulsion and take appropriate action.
   14. To receive a report and discuss the lawsuit filed by Cangelosi-Ward General Contractors, LLC in connection with the Construction of the New 9th Grade Academy project.
   15. Adjourn