
CAPA Corner: Breaking Down the Walls

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    We lived trapped within the realities of today, while God moves within the certainty of His abilities.  God is indeed omniscient, meaning He possesses all knowledge.  But in His Omni (ness), His all (ness) He prefers to allow fallible man the opportunity to choose for himself!
    Therefore we exist trapped or contained within the sum total of those choices made by ourselves and of course others.  Where we see walls,  however (with our limited sight), God sees thoroughfares…paths  leading to endless possibilities and opportunities.
    Some in this world  have overcome  the constraints of the trap by  believing to such extraordinary lengths that things changed.  Their faith in their  God rose  to such heights that He tore down the walls around them and broke through in miraculous ways.
    We hear of this. We read of this…but all we see are the walls (and walls can be draining). Walls can demystify and nullify any hope of a Jericho moment.  So we go back to building our world in our box.
    Lets change this.  We can experience a Jericho moment for ourselves.  May the whisper we hear today be the captivating voice of God. Urging us to pray the walls down and see the world that could be!  May we discard the trapped life and begin living God's desired life!
Dale Phillips,
Comite Baptist Church