Letter from Superintendent Faulk about New School Schedule
Dear Parents,
Looking at the requirements for instructional minutes in coordination with each schools' schedule of instructional minutes the school system has prepared a plan to make up the days missed due to inclement cold weather as follows:
1. The week of the Mardi Gras Break has always had two days in the week set aside to be utilized as contingency days for making up time if needed. We will have students and staff return to school Wednesday, March 5, 2014 thru Friday, March 7, 2014. This will allow us to make up 3 of the 5 days we have missed.
2. The early dismissal scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2014 will become a full day for all schools.
3. Based on a review of individual school schedules and instructional minutes per day, Central High School and Bellingrath Hills Elementary will revise their daily schedule to add 15 minutes to the end of their school day. The take-in and dismissal times for these two schools will be as follows:
Central High School 7:10 – 2:45
Bellingrath Hills 8:05 – 3:25
*The new bell schedules for Central High School and Bellingrath will be effective Wednesday, March 5, 2014 and continue for the remainder of the school year.
**All other schools will maintain their current bell schedules.
There are still another 4 to 6 weeks of winter remaining. Hopefully we can make through this period without any further disruptions to our school year.
Michael W. Faulk, Superintendent
Central Community School System