Cooking in Central 2014 takes place March 28th and 29th and major efforts are being made to ensure excellent drainage and parking for this year’s event. Hundreds of volunteer hours and the gracious donation of time and materials by RBB Construction and Gator Environmental are the driving forces behind the work. Thanks also to Jason Ellis and Forte & Tablada for the design work for the entire project.
Pictured here is just a portion of the 2,700 feet of new drainage canals and the 3,000 cubic yards of dirt excavated. Culverts and piping have been installed designed to handle the typically heavy rains of south Louisiana. The finished project will include heavier duty roads, crowned parking for quick drainage, and plenty of storm drain capacity to move water off of the property.
The goal is to ensure a great event every year, even in the rain. Last year’s addition of the huge covered pavilion ensures the event can go on, rain or shine. Weather has been a challenge in the renovations, but hopefully all work can be completed in time for the March event.
Cooking would like to give a special thanks to RBB Construction for over 320 man hours and 160 hours of equipment rental donated to this cause, and to Gator Environmental for 800+ gallons of diesel also donated. Finally, thanks to the nearby property owners Charles Carmena, Katherine Daylong-Carmena, Patty Goudeau and Caroline Westmoreland who allowed drainage pipe to be installed through their properties, making the project much easier and much less costly.
You are invited to attend the 2014 public kickoff meeting for Cooking in Central next Thursday, January 16th at 12 noon at DeAngelo’s. If you cannot attend but want to be involved, call Juanita at 261-9999.