
Tonight’s City Council Agenda

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There will be a Central City Council meeting tonight (Tuesday) at 6PM at Kristenwood.  The agenda is below.
I. Preliminary Business 
1) Call to Order 
2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 
3) Roll Call 
4) Approval of the minutes from the November 12, 2013 council meeting 
5) Approval of the minutes from the November 22, 2013 special council meeting 
II. Unfinished Business 
III. New Business 
1) Mayor’s report and presentations. 
2) Presentation of Annual Audit Report by Faulk & Winkler. (By Mayor Pro Tempore Washington) 
3) Report from David Ratcliff, IBTS Program Manager, concerning services through October, 2013 provided to the City of Central. 
4) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the January 14, 2014 council meeting): 
 a) An ordinance to adopt a Leave Policy for full-time employees of the City of Central and to provide for related matters. (By Mayor Pro Tempore Washington) 
5) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s): 
 a) An ordinance to establish the operating reserve fund and to provide for related matters. (By Council Member Moak) 
b) A resolution to dedicate the franchise fees collected by the City of Central, 35% to the Emergency Fund, 35% to the Drainage Fund, and 30% to the Road Repair Fund and to provide for related matters. (By Council Member Moak) 
c) A resolution to support and authorize submission of a Grant Application to the Office of Community Development for the 2013-2014 Local Government Assistance Program for $15,000.00 for safety equipment and supplies and to provide for related matters. (By Mayor Pro Tempore Washington) 
IV. Zoning Cases 
1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the January 14, 2014 council meeting): 
2) Discussion and action regarding the following case(s): 
V. Construction Board of Appeals Cases 
1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the January 14, 2014, council meeting): 
2) Discussion and action regarding the following case(s): 
a) CBOA-14-13 – An ordinance waiving Sections 205(5) and 213 of Ordinance No. 2013-22 relating to design standards for nonresidential structures within the corridor overlay district and to provide for related matters. Applicant: Rogers Regional Eye Center. (By Council Members DeJohn and Moak) 
CBOA Action (November 20, 2013): Bobby Eller made a motion to amend the variance request to include columns to initial request. There were no objections, motion passed. 
Pete Firmin moved for the Board to recommend approval of this request with amendment and send this item to City Council for consideration.  Craig Simoneaux seconded the motion. No objections, motion passed. 
V. Other Business 
1) Public Comment 
* Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each. 
2) Announcements 
3) Adjournment