Submitted by CIS
Central Intermediate School, under the direction of Rhonda Taylor, Principal, held its Jr. Beta Club induction ceremony Tuesday evening, October 22, 2013. Eighty-nine fifth grade students were officially inducted into the National Jr. Beta Club. The National Honorary Beta Club is an organization instituted for promotion of creditable student effort and achievement and seeks to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow.
Following the initial welcome by Mrs. Taylor, Brayden Howell, a student in Mrs. Hill’s home room, greeted the faculty, parents, and guests, thanking them for taking part in this memorable occasion. Makayla Willson from Mrs. Hausse’s class and Hannah Paulk from Ms. Hilton’s home room led in the pledge to the American flag and prayer respectively.
Kaitlyn Mier and Cassidy Young, both from Mrs. Hill’s homeroom, entertained the guests by singing and playing “The Cup Song,” or You’re Gonna Miss Me”, by Anna Kendrick. Just prior to the formal induction of the 2013-2014 CIS Jr. Beta Club members, Layna Baker, Keely Ana Strickland (Mrs. Tucker’s class), Kyra Greely, Summer Guidry (Mrs. Robinson’s class), and Kinslee Pellerin (Mrs. Hill’s class), challenged their peers with speeches on “Student Leadership” that they had written. Mrs. Julie Stevens, Assistant Principal of CIS, then led the inductees in reciting the Jr. Beta pledge. All inductees were issued certificates and a pin from the National Beta Club by Renee Tucker, a fifth grade teacher and Beta sponsor, and were formally congratulated for their achievements by Mrs. Taylor, and each had his or her picture taken with the Principal of CIS. Special thanks to Jeremy O’Banion and Julie Stevens, both Assistant Principals at CIS, for helping to set up the seating and tables for our ceremony and to fifth grade teachers who served cake for our reception immediately following the induction. Congratulations to the new Central Intermediate School Jr. Beta Inductees!
2013-2014 CIS Junior BETA Club Inductees:
Ethan Amason, Halli Bailey, Layna Baker, Richard Bethley, III, Baylee Blanchard, Reagen Bordelon, Giuliana Bossier, Madelyn Bozeman, Rayna Brazel, Shaun Breen, Tristen Cain, Caleb Callender, Layla Carnes, Connor Cassels, Tristen Clark, Joshua Cooper, Colby Curcio, Jada Dennis, Megan Ditcharo, Jason Dixon, Jr., Charles Dixon, Diamond Dixon, Emily Dykes, Nathan Ellis, Sarah Ford, Tyler Furr, Paul Garcia Jr., Benjamin Goodman, Kyra Greely, Summer Guidry, Olivia Hambrick, Breanna Hardy, Niya Hensley, Kara Hobgood, Brayden Howell, Emma Huguet, Caleb Hutchinson, Christian Jensen, Brock Juneau, April Key, Ian Kinchen, Alyna King, Hannah King, Seth Landry, Ruth LaValley, Alexa LeSage, Christian Mannino, Nathaniel Marsh, T’Nia McConnell, Kaitlyn Mier, Chalres Milton, Chandria Muse, Lia Neff, Landon Noble, Carissa Noel, Adam O’Banion, Dylan O’Banion, Madeline Pastuszek, Michael Patel, Luci Patin, Hannah Paulk, Kinslee Pellerin, Nia Pitts, Lexi Posey, Madison Price, Morgan Rabalais, Ethaniel Rizan, Tyler Sandoval, Dylan Scivicque, Avery Shaffer, Christopher Shall, Jackson Shipley, Dylin Skidmore, Kyle Stewart, Keely Ana Strickland, Riley Taylor, Parker Thomas, Kylie Triggs, Kaitlyn Wallace, Savannah Walls, Case Welch, Baylor Wells, Carley Whitty, Aulyssa Wiggins, Makayla Willson, Jeremy Wise, Cassidy Young, Thommy Zheng, Madison Ziegler.