Thursday night. Perfect weather. Families sitting together on blankets enjoying popcorn. “Paw Paw is taking me to a movie!” Young couples enjoying a fun and free evening out with the kids right here in Central! Over 500 people – grandparents, parents, and mostly young children, watching a Disney movie under the stars on a 20 foot screen. That is what I witnessed at the “Movie in the Park” two weeks ago, and that is why we will do another “Movie in the Park” at 6 PM on Thursday, Nov. 21st in Central Square at the end of the Wax Road Extension behind Menchie’s.
I expect that families will have another great evening and that everyone will see this as a great time for young families, but I have another perspective on this. I say this is a great event for all of us “middle aged” people (I’m 54), and for the generations before us as well.
For my generation, with our own children looking to buy houses and begin families, this is the very type of event that will help them to want to settle in Central. I can’t speak for everyone, but I sure would like to have my children raising their families in Central. As for all of you out there with grandchildren and even great grandchildren, I am certain that having generations of your own family here to enjoy means the world to you.
This is not about a single “Movie in the Park” event. This is about creating an awareness of what our next generations want and need, and making it happen. Finding out what they want is not difficult; all you have to do is ask. “Movie in the Park” was the result of a Sunday afternoon conversation with a group of young adults. Once we identify what can make Central, in their opinion, an even better place to live and raise a family, making it happen just takes a little bit of effort and determination.
I want to enjoy all of the rural feel of the Central I grew up loving. I want hay fields and rivers and woods and farm houses. I also want our children and their children, our next generations, to WANT to live in Central. I want them to love Central not only for our great schools and safe community, but because Central meets the needs of our young families, our children and grandchildren, our next generations.
So, let’s keep listening to what can keep our young families in Central, and let’s find ways to make these things happen for them. Call me at 262-3730 if you have an idea of what young families want and need in this community and perhaps we can help you make these things a reality. See you at “Movie in the Park” on November 21, and that is Good News for a Great City!