Front Row (L-R) Patty Buzbee (Hayden); Lorraine McCaa; Dawn Ash (David); Dawn Davies (Killian); Stephanie Turner (Flores); Back Row (L-R) Jeannette McCaa (Nauta); Gail Shaffer (Baugnon); Robbi Gore (McCants); Teri Stoewer (Hruska); Lisa Corrick (Jones); Coach Shirley Browning; Principal Richard Myers; Jami Gremillion (Glaser); Jeanne Olive; Louise Henderson (Leverett); Karrie Paxton (Burks)
Central High School will induct the 1977 State Champion Softball Team into the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame this Friday, October 18, 2013. The member of the team, the first State Championship for Softball at Central High School, will begin their evening with a reception and then will be recognized at the home football game versus Zachary at 7:00 p.m.
The team, coached by Shirley and Kenneth Browning, competed against teams from all divisions across the state to become champions. Many of the same girls also were members of the AAA State Championship Basketball team of 1976-1977.
The following are members of this very special team: Coaches: Shirley Browning, Kenneth Browning; Managers: Jeannette McCaa (Nauta), Gail Shaffer (Baugnon); Players: Dawn D. Ash (David), Patty C. Buzbee (Hayden), Lisa A. Corrick (Jones), Dawn M. Davies (Killian), Robbi Y. Gore (McCants), Jami L. Gremillion (Glaser), Louise E. Henderson (Leverett), Lorraine McCaa, Jeanne D. Olive, Karrie L. Paxton (Burks), Teri E. Stoewer (Hruska), Stephanie D. Turner (Flores)