1. Call to Order |
2. Prayer |
3. Pledge |
4. Roll Call |
5. To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on September 23, 2013. |
6. To consider the Superintendent's recommendation for administrative, instructional and support staff positions and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk) |
 a. 2 year administrative contract |
7. To consider a report from the Facilities/Equipment Committee meetings held on September 5, 2013 and September 25, 2013 and take appropriate action regarding the following items: |
 a. Change Order No. 1, Playground Project at Central Intermediate School |
 b. Change Order No. 2, Playground Project at Tangelwood Elementary School |
 c. Change Order No. 3, Playground Project at Bellingrath Hills Elementary School |
 d. Change Order No. 13, Site Package in the amount of $9,010.77 for subpanel changes |
 e. Change Order No. 20, Site Package in the amount of $34,568.50 adding sand and sod to prevent erosion and run off |
 f. Change Order No. 23, Site Package in the amount of $4,122.27 for reinforcing dumpster pads |
 g. Change Order No. 25, Site Package in the amount of $2,632.13 for adding continuous rebar at curbs |
 h. Change Order No. 27, Site Package in the amount of $11,223.74 for removal of tree debris at Barrow Pond |
 i. Change Order No. 30R, Site Package in the amount of $6,891.29 for additional valve work at lift station |
 j. Change Order No. 32, Site Package in the amount of $9,765.16 for lift station pumping and temporary bathrooms |
 k. Change Order No. 33, Site Package in the amount of $17,182.12 for subpanel changes to accomodate drainage requirements |
 l. Change Order No. 36, Site Package in the amount of $3,755.23 for sleeving requirement |
 m. Change Order No. 38, Site Package in the amount of $974.54 for erosion repair |
 n. Change Order No. 48, Building Package a credit in the amount of $40,653 to revise walkway cover system |
 o. Change Order No. 65, Building Package in the amount of $57,808 for canopy connections |
 p. Change Order No. 85, Building Package a credit in the amount of $19,689 to delete part of canopy at Building H |
 q. Change Order No. 128, Building Package a credit in the amount of $6,480 to change courtyard drainage pipe |
 r. Change Order No. 130, Building Package in the amount of $27,659 for electrical power costs |
 s. Change Order No. 135, Building Package in the amount of $3,511 to insulate backflow preventer piping |
8. To consider for a 1st Reading a proposed change to the 2013-2014 Pupil Progression Plan. (Mr. Faulk) |
9. To consider for a 1st Reading Proposed Policy Changes to Sections D, Fiscal Management and E, Operational Management. (Mr. Faulk) |
10. To consider recommended revisions to Policy H-2.2a Evidence of Domicile and Policy H-2.2d Admission of Students Domiciled Outside of Central Community School System. (Mr. Faulk) |
11. To consider establishment of a Centralized Registration Process. (Mr. Faulk) |
12. To consider a 2nd Reading of the Proposed Policy Changes, Revisions and Additions to sections of the Policy Manual and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk) |
13. To consider a request for Out-of-State Field Trips for students at Central Middle School and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk) |
14. To consider a meeting date for the November School Board Meeting and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk) |
15. Superintendent's Report (Mr. Faulk) |
16. Announcements |
 a. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on October 18, 2013. There will be no school for students. |
 b. Monday, October 21, 2013 is scheduled to be Fall Break. Only 12 month and 250 day employees are scheduled to work. |
17. Adjourn |
Pursuant to the requirements of La. R.S. 42:7, matters not included on the agenda posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will not be considered unless the school board members present vote unanimously to add the item to the agenda.
The Central Community School System is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or qualified disability.