By Rachel F. Johnson
This summer, I held my first section of “Conqueror Classes” with a great group of young women! I designed these fitness classes specifically for teenage girls to learn the truth about health and beauty!
My inspiration for these classes came from my own experiences, which, unfortunately, are probably very similar to many other young women! Freshman year, my braces, glasses and super-long hair had me convinced me that I was a nerd. I would look in the mirror and hate what I saw. I thought I was too tall, too fat and way too awkward. If I tried putting on make-up, I just thought I looked worse, so I would cry and wipe the paint off my face, berating myself with degrading statements and reminding myself how stupid I was for even trying. Looking back, it is crazy to think about the horrible way I treated myself! I stopped eating breakfast and lunch as a way to lose weight and, disgustingly, I would be proud if I skipped food for a day or two. (I really wish I could go back in time & slap myself in the head for that!) Obviously, I had no energy at all, I never lost a pound and I still felt horrible. Then, my senior year, I did the Daniel Fast. I started to learn more about nutrition. I realized the better I ate, the better I felt. I had more energy, so I started to slowly workout. I didn’t lose weight (I actually gained about 10-15 pounds) but I lost 2 jean sizes. I stopped weighing myself and wrote dry erase messages across my mirror to remind myself of what a gift my body was and how many things it enabled me to do! Over time, the way I saw myself changed. It was a long process, and sometimes, I do still have bad days, but I continue to write those messages on my mirror and I live healthfully. It gives me the confidence to look in the mirror and know that I am strong, healthy and very beautiful. As embarrassing as this story may be to put in the newspaper (and potentially have every person I know read this!) it is something that I feel needs to be shared in order to help others NEVER feel the way I did back then!
My next session of “Conqueror Classes” for teenage girls starts next Wednesday, September 4 at the Spectrum Fitness Club right here in Central! Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 for 4 weeks. The cost is $50.00 for members and $60.00 for non-members. Spectrum has been great in allowing me to do this “out-of-the-box” class and if anyone is interested in participating, or knows someone who they would feel could benefit from this class, please don’t hesitate to call/E-mail/text for more information! I have a passion for spreading a love for our bodies and our health, and the more successful theses classes are, the more likely I can continue them into the future! My number is (225) 287-9476 and my E-mail is
[email protected]. You can also see a flyer at www.racheleatsalot.com or by calling Spectrum at (225) 261-8405.
As a reward for indulging me that long story, here is a favorite treat among the girls I taught this summer! I call them Power Bites, and believe it or not, they are super healthy and made of chocolate! 🙂
• Heaping 1 cup whole, pitted dates
• 1 cup walnuts
• 3 Tbsp. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
• Dash of salt (optional)
Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse to combine. After a slightly sticky consistency is reached (about 60-90 seconds) remove “dough” by Tablespoons and roll into balls. Eat immediately or wrap with Seran or place in Ziploc bag to keep fresh for up to a week! Quick, Easy, Delicious & Healthy! Hope you enjoy!