The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 6:00pm at Kristenwood Meeting Facility, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd, Central, LA 70739 to consider the following item(s):
COL-1-13 Combination of Tracts X-2-A-1, X-2-A-2 and X-2-A-3 of the Garland Watts Property This property is located at 10460 Dyer Road which is on the south side of Dyer Road, west of the Blackwater Road intersection. The applicant is requesting to combine three (3) tracts with existing residential structures into two (2) tracts with a waiver request of Section 13.6 (I) (4) of the Unified Development Code. (Applicant: Gary Watts)
SS-13-13 Subdivision of Tract G-2-A of the Lula and Lois Gurney Property This property is located at 14916 Blackwater Road on the east side between the Dyer and McCullough Road. The applicant is requesting to subdivide one (1) tract into two (2) with existing single family residential structures with a waiver request of Section 13.6 (I) (4) of the Unified Development Code. (Applicants: Jeff and Heather Prisk)
RZ-5-13 Rezoning from LC-2 to C-AB-1 of a portion of Lot B-1 of the Eisworth Estate This property is located at 14042 Greenwell Springs Road on south side near the Sullivan Road intersection. The applicant is requesting to rezone a portion of Lot B-1 herein described as:
A certain tracts or parcel of ground designated located on Lot B-1, Area containing (9,253 sq. ft.) (0.212 Ac.) being a portion of the Eisworth Estate, located in Section 42, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Greensburg Land District, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, and being more particularly described as follows:
Commence at the Southwest corner of Section 42, T-6-S, R-2-E; thence N 66°34’45” W a distance of 327.98 feet to the Point of Beginning
Thence, N 51°29’49” W a distance of 82.92 feet to a Point and turn; thence, N 38°30’11” E a distance of 17.46 feet to a Point and turn; thence, N 51°29’49” W a distance of 8.12 feet to a Point and turn; thence, N 38°30’11” E a distance of 50.75 feet to a Point and turn; thence, S 51°d29’49” E a distance of 20.63 feet to a Point and turn; thence, N 38°30’11” E a distance of 49.87 feet to a Point and turn; thence S 51°d29’49” E a distance of 56.75 feet to a Point and turn; thence, S 38°30’11” W a distance of 24.12 feet to a Point and turn; thence, S 51°d29’49” E a distance of 13.67 feet to a Point and turn; thence, S 38°30’11” W a distance of 94.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
The applicant is requesting rezoning from LC-1 (Light Commercial One) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverages One) for a restaurant serving alcohol. (Applicant: Michael Anderson)
PUD-2-13 The Heritage at Woodland Court Concept Plan The property is the former Hunter R. Scholar property which located on the north side of Wax Road between the Woodland View and Durmast Drive intersections. The applicant is proposing a residential planned unit development consisting of (56) lots. (Applicant: Sharon S. Deville)