Cristina Faucheux, PT with Moreau Physical Therapy was among nearly 100 physical therapists from across the country that convened in Washington, DC on July 22 and July 23, 2013 to lobby members of Congress. As part of the first-ever fly-in hosted by the Private Practice Section (PPS) of the American Physical Therapy Association, Cristina Faucheux, PT met with Sen. Vitter, Sen. Landrieu, and Rep. Cassidy and discussed hard-hitting issues affecting the future of healthcare, the physical therapy profession, the small business owner, and their patients.
“ It has been a honor to be invited to our nation’s capital along with other top leaders of our profession to address concerns that impact our Medicare Patients”- Cristina Faucheux, PT
The physical therapists asked Congress to take action on pending legislation and topics that will enable the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective physical therapy to seniors and other patients in need of rehabilitation. The two issues discussed at length were:
• Sustainable Growth Rate: Physical therapists support the Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act of 2013 (H.R. 574). This bill would repeal and replace the sustainable growth rate formula that determines Medicare payment rates, fixing the broken reimbursement method so therapists can be paid fairly and commensurate with the value of their services.
• Medicare Therapy Cap: Physical therapists support the Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act (H.R. 713/S. 367), which would permanently repeal the arbitrary annual per-beneficiary cap for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services. The bill would allow patients the access to physical therapy needed to restore their health and function.
“As entrepreneurs in the health field, our physical therapists face legislative challenges and roadblocks in delivering good care,” said Tom DiAngelis, president of the Private Practice Section. “Having the opportunity for the first time, to speak honestly with Congress and bring to their attention the overlooked impact of healthcare reform is a defining moment for the Private Practice Section. We thank Cristina Faucheux, PT and Moreau Physical Therapy for being a part of this historic occasion and contributing to the thought-provoking dialogue.”