Ask anybody who lives with constant, nagging pain and they’ll tell you it’s no picnic. To make matters worse, many people have lost hope their pain will ever go away. Well, there’s a new treatment that could change that. It’s called ASTYM therapy. Research shows it’s effective at relieving pain in nearly 90% of all patients treated. According to ASTYM Certified DPT Erik Strahan, “For people who had all but given up hope of living a life without pain, it’s nothing short of a Godsend.” Pronounced A-STIM, Strahan has been using the breakthrough therapy to treat patients at Central Physical Therapy for more than a year and has gotten great results.
Aside from relieving people’s pain, ASTYM is non-invasive. In other words, there are no painful injections or surgery. ASTYM is considered a regenerative treatment because the technique actually triggers the growth of new “healthy” tissue in areas of the body that are hurting. Strahan says, “That’s what makes the pain go away.” Studies show ASTYM can also accelerate healing.
A typical ASTYM session involves gliding specially designed, hand-held instruments to treat areas at the root of a patient’s pain. It looks deceptively simple, but don’t be fooled. Erik Strahan says, “The tools used for ASTYM therapy are designed to exacting specifications. Strahan adds, “The techniques necessary to make those ASTYM instruments work were developed to meet strict scientific protocols and required extensive training.”
Research shows ASTYM works well at relieving pain in patients with a number conditions like:
• Low back pain
• Plantar fasciitis (Foot/Heal Pain)
• Tennis/golfers elbow
• Ankle/hamstring sprains
• Shin splints
• Knee pain
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Pain linked to scar tissue
ASTYM was featured on “The Doctors” a popular TV show that airs locally. You can watch the segment online. You’ll find it at www.centralptonline.com.
ASTYM is not a stand-alone treatment. It’s used as part of a comprehensive physical therapy program. As with all treatments, ASTYM is individualized to address the unique needs of each patient. Strahan says, “One of the unique characteristics about this technique is they can continue their regular, everyday activities including exercise. The healing continues even when they’re active. There is no downtime.” Strahan says, “Less than 25% of ASTYM patients experience soreness or mild bruising after their initial treatment, but it goes away quickly as pain relief takes hold.”
Could you benefit from ASTYM therapy? Contact Erik Strahan at Central Physical Therapy for a free evaluation. The phone number is 261-7094.
Phil Rainier is not a doctor. His column isn’t intended as medical advice. Phil is Director of Marketing and Communications at Central Physical Therapy. His e-mail address is
[email protected].