From the City of Central
The Central Thruway is set to open on Thursday, July 11, 2013 around noon after a ribbon cutting ceremony. With the opening of the Central Thruway, traffic patterns in the area will change. Please pay attention to the information below.
First, the construction on Greenwell Springs Rd at the Central Thruway will not be completed in time, so temporary lanes and turning lanes will be striped accordingly on Greenwell Springs Rd. Please adhere to the 35 mph speed limit in the area.
Next, the Central Thruway will tie into Sullivan Rd approximately 150 feet south of Lovett Rd. An asphalt transition has been placed. When the Thruway opens on Thursday, Sullivan Rd at this location will be completely blocked off just south of the transition. Therefore, you will have to use the Central Thruway to go to and from Greenwell Springs Rd. Detour signs will be posted accordingly. So, if you are on Greenwell Springs Rd and you wish to go north onto Sullivan towards Lovett Rd, you should proceed to the Central Thruway/Greenwell Springs Rd intersection and turn north on the Central Thruway. If you need to go to any of the businesses located on Sullivan Rd just north of Greenwell Springs Rd or to get to Triple B Road, you will still be able to use the intersection of Sullivan Rd & Greenwell Springs Rd. DOTD does have plans to make adjustments to the traffic signal at Sullivan & Greenwell Springs, which eventually includes removal of the signal completely.
As part of the Central Thruway project, the contractor will begin work soon to tie Sullivan Rd into the Central Thruway just south of Lovett Rd and make a T-intersection, but this requires elevating Sullivan Rd to tie into the existing grade of the Central Thruway and forcing a road closure until this work is complete.
Your patience is appreciated, and please proceed slowly through the transition zones.