
Design Standards Workshop Monday

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    There will be a Planning & Zoning Commission (with the City Council) Design Standards Workshop this Monday, July 8th at 6PM at the Central Fire Station, 11646 Sullivan Rd.
(1) Discussion and action regarding the following instrument:
a) An ordinance to enact Chapter 10A of the Unified Development Code to provide for design standards for nonresidential structures in designated areas and to provide for related matters. (By Councilman Washington)
Commission Action (April 25, 2013):   Zoning Commission considered the proposed ordinance at the April 25, 2013 Zoning Commission meeting to adopt architectural standards for nonresidential structures in the City of Central along specific roadways.  The item was discussed and was deferred by the Zoning Commission for further study to be done by the sponsor.
Council Action (May 14, 2013):   This item was referred to the Construction Board of Appeals for recommendation, then to Planning and Zoning for recommendation, and deferred back to council at the July 9, 2013 meeting.
Construction Board of Appeals Action (May 29, 2013):     Craig Simoneaux made a motion to suggest to council as a board to raise the standards as high as possible  when  writing the ordinance.   Buddy  Ragland  seconded the  motion. There were no objections, motion passed.