“The best laid schemes o’ Mine an Men, Gang aft agley.” (Scottish Poet Robert Burns, 1759-1796) The modern translation is “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” When the weather hit two weeks ago Cooking in Central’s plans certainly did “Gang aft agley.” So now, there is an even better plan for the event on June 7th & 8th.
Yes Central, there will be Cooking in Central 2013, and it will be June 7th & 8th…RAIN OR SHINE! Central’s signature charitable fund-raising event fell victim to heavy rains two weeks ago and has been rescheduled. As I write this contingency plans are being made so that if weather spoils the parking at Amazing Place on Blackwater Road there will be an alternate site for the event and Cooking in Central WILL happen June 7th & 8th.
Mia and I have headed up publicity for Cooking in Central for 2012 and 2013 so we are working to ask all of the gracious media outlets who publicized the event to help us get the word out about the new dates, which I will state again for emphasis, June 7th & 8th. I got word today that the food, auctions and entertainment have rescheduled and the event will be just as it was originally planned.
So, clear your calendar and save the dates of Friday evening June 7th for Central’s largest Crawfish Boil and Saturday June 8th for the great cook-off, entertainment and auctions. Come out and join thousands of your friends and neighbors and enjoy Cooking in Central 2013. That IS, Good News for a Great City.