
Public Transportation Plan Meeting Monday

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The City of Central, Louisiana, will host a public meeting to seek input on the development of the Long Range Transportation Plan for the City.  The Open House Format meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2013, from 5 PM to 7 PM in the Central Branch Library at 11260 Joor Rd. 

The plan that is being developed will act as a blue-print for guiding elected officials toward meeting the City’s transportation needs. It proposes how the transportation resources should be managed and serves as a frame-work for transportation investment decisions.

The public is invited to attend and view exhibits by Neel-Schaffer, Inc., the planning consulting firm hired to prepare the Plan. 

The public meeting will provide the citizens an opportunity to shape the City’s vision by expressing their input on the existing transportation system, deficiencies, growth patterns, future needs and priorities.