
CHS Track Coach to Run Boston Marathon

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    What do you do on your day off?  If you're Adam MacDowell, you run in the Boston Marathon.  The "Boston", as it is called by those crazed individuals known as long distance runners, is the oldest and most

venerated marathon in the United States and will take place next Monday, April 15.  Now in it's 117th year, the grueling 26.5 mile run takes place in any weather condition, winding around the Boston area

and encompassing landmarks like "Heartbreak Hill", and the "Scream Tunnel", where students and staff from Wellesley College offer kisses and screams of encouragement.  Thousands of fans line the streets to

cheer on the thousands of runners, and a sort of madness takes over. One couple even got married in the middle of the marathon, running the last 6 miles as husband and wife.

    A lifelong runner, Adam ran for the University of Missouri in Division I competition.  While the steeple chase was his main event, he also excelled in the 8K and 10K outdoors, and the 3000m and 5000m indoors.

"It's a lifestyle for me," Adam shared. "I have been coaching track for the past 7 years, and running is my number 1 hobby."  Moving here last July to teach and coach track at Central High School, Adam left

behind his support team in St. Louis, but was re-energized to run when he met up with them at a fundraiser.  "One of my former students won the indoor triple jump championship, that really inspired me," said Adam.

    Adam has run in 3 marathons: the Houston 2011, the Chicago 2011, which then qualified him for the Olympic trials in early 2012.  He ran the fastest time of his life at the Olympic trials, which qualified him to

be an elite runner in the Boston.  "Elite" means you are among the best of the best, and receive preferential positioning at the front of the starting line.  No one can just pay an entrance fee and run in the

Boston, you must achieve a qualifying time, in other words, you have to be FAST.  How did Adam accomplish this?  He explained, "I run 90-100 miles a week.  I also do hard aerobic workouts, and 18-24 mile

runs on Sundays."  All while being married and holding down a full time job.

    Of course, preparing to run a marathon is not a paying job.  Adam will be sponsored by the Big River Running Co. in St. Louis to cover the costs of the marathon itself, but the plane tickets and hotel room are

on him.  While many run for the top prizes ($575,000 purse total), Adam runs for the love of the sport. He is excited to see how Louisiana is beginning to embrace distance running, with the Louisiana Marathon now in its 3rd year.  And he is truly excited to be in the Boston.  He said, "I didn't think I could ever train at the level of

the Olympic trials!  I am blest to be able to run again at this level. And, the Central High track team won their first meet last week.  It just keeps getting better!"

    You can track Coach MacDowell by texting "345678" and entering "runner" in the text.  A message will be sent to you asking for his bib number.  Enter "27", and you will receive race day updates on his progress.  Central is cheering for you, Coach!  Good luck and God bless!