By Dave Freneaux
Concerned for what he explains are 4-500 deaths nationally per year involving towed trailers, Central resident Jim Milazzo (pictured above) has spent over ten years developing “Safe-Tow”. While interviewing Mr. Milazzo for this article, it quickly became apparent that there is not enough space in one community newspaper to tell this whole story. The volume of documentation, approvals, testimonials, awards and photographs surrounding this safety chain alternative could fill a book.
First, a brief history. The safety chains that you see draped between trailers and truck bumpers are designed to serve as a backup safety device in the event that a trailer hitch fails. Mr. Milazzo produced multiple examples of chains that were worn, broken or simply not approved for the load they were securing. Mr. Milazzo’s invention, “Safe-Tow”, as seen in the diagram, is a hardened steel alternative to safety chains.
In 1999 Louisiana House Bill 30 recognized the need to approve trailer safety devices other than safety chains. In 2001 the Louisiana State Police approved “Safe-Tow” as such an alternative. In 2001 the LA Capital Area Safety Council recognized “Safe-Tow” with its 2001 Safety & Health Innovator Award. Mr. Milazzo has obtained two patents on the Safe-Tow product and it has been tested by Scientific Testing Labs at three (3) times the required safety factor for a class 3 trailer hitch. However, this is as far as this invention can go unless there is some breakthrough in the marketing of the idea.
There are really two stories here. First is the story of inadequate safety chains that cost lives every year. No one would argue that a superior safety system should be strongly supported. The second story is about a Central resident and his ten-year struggle to call national attention to the need for this safety improvement. Contact Jim Milazzo at 978-2991 for a demonstration or installation of “Safe-Tow”, and, if there is an entrepreneur marketing genius out there, call Jim and help him get national attention for a Central invention.