
Bryce McLin to Marry Christopher Fontenot in April

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    Steve and Tammy Willeford McLin of Bueche, LA announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bryce Kaylen McLin to Christopher Blake Fontenot, son of Joey and Stephanie Durham Fontenot of Central, LA.  The couple will wed on April 13, 2013 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Lakeland, LA in a 1:00pm ceremony. 
     The bride-elect is a 2007 graduate of Redemptorist High School and a 2011 graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University.  She is employed by ARCADIS in Baton Rouge as an Ecologist.  The groom-elect is a 2003 graduate of Central High School and a 2009 graduate of Louisiana State University.  He is employed by ExxonMobil in Baton Rouge as an Instrumentation Engineer. 
    The bride-elect’s maternal grandparents are Harold Gene and Shirley Willeford of Port Allen, LA.  Her paternal grandparents are Yvonne McLin and the late Alvin McLin of Bueche, LA.  The groom elect’s maternal grandparents are the late James Wesley and Frances Polito Durham and the late Sam Guercio.  His paternal grandparents are the late Harold and Harriet Fontenot.
    Following a honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, the couple will reside in Central, LA.