Spring is here and Central’s ball fields will soon be busy 7 days a week, an obvious reminder of the popularity of youth sports in our community. Now imagine raising a child in Central without any youth sports leagues. Imagine the first time a kid gets a chance to play any organized sports is in middle school or high school. Imagine how much less competitive Central’s high school teams would be. I ask you to imagine these things because that is what it would be like without Central’s many volunteer coaches. Take a minute this week to thank a coach.
Yes, in most cases, their child plays on the team, but they have committed to be there WITH their child, and yours, for every practice and every game. But wait, there’s more. First the coach has to remind every other parent and child when practice is and when the next game is, collect league fees, buy balls or bases or nets, reserve practice fields, show up early to set up, and stay until the last parent delayed in traffic arrives 30 minutes late to pick up their child. Stay a minute after practice this week and say thanks to a coach.
As a softball coach for many years I’ll be the first to admit that there are great rewards in coaching. There are life-long friendships and the pure satisfaction of seeing young athletes learn teamwork, competition, and the value of hard work. They do it for the pure love of the game and their players. They don’t get paid, so let’s give them all something money can’t buy and tell them how much we appreciate the gift of their time. It only takes a moment to say “Thanks Coach!”