
Istrouma Lodge Installs New Officers

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   Istrouma Lodge #414 F.&A.M. held its 2013 Installation of Officers on December 16, 2012.  The officers for the pursuing year are:  Allen DeArmond, PM, Worshipful Master; Rex W. Thornhill, PM, Senior Warden; Elmo V. Burton, PM, Junior Warden; Ray Leteff, Sr., PM, Treasurer; William “Bill” Rose, PM, Secretary; Sam Riddle, PM, Chaplain; Chuck Taylor, PM, Senor Deacon; Herbert D. Russell, Junior Deacon; Don Landry, Master of Ceremonies; Sam H. Kimbrough, Senior Steward; Charles Lloyd, Junior Steward; and George Mitchell, PM, Tyler.
    Installing Master was Worshipful Brother William “Bill” Mollere, Grand Junior Warden of Grade Lodge of Louisiana and Installing Marshall was Guy A. Jenkins, PM.
    A meal was enjoyed by all family and friends in attendance for Istrouma Lodge #414 F.&A.M. 2013 Installation of Officers.