
CAPA Corner: Narrow is the Road

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    Matthew 7:13, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell  is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way."  (NLT)
      Following God means walking the 'narrow road.'  Here are several things that can help  to keep us on the "straight and narrow."
1.   Make God's Word a border for your  life.  As long as You stay within the guidelines laid out in Scripture, you will have all you need to do what you should do.  God is faithful and true to His Word.
2.   Finish what you start.  God uses committed people who aren't led by just emotion.  It's easy to be excited  when something is new, but the ones who cross the finish line are the ones who hang in there when no one is applauding.
3.  Understand that when no one is there to help you, you get to know Jesus really well. The narrow road of living for God and not conforming to the ways of the world is often lonely.  But the trade-off of gaining real intimacy with Christ is worth it.
God Bless
Donnie Shaffer, Central Church