
All Pro Dads Simulcast This Saturday – Fun for 3-5th Graders and Parents

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    This Saturday, January 26th, there will be an All Pro Dad Simulcast with Tony Dungy, Tommy Bowden, Lorenzo Neal,  Hunter Smith, and Clark Kellogg.  All are ex-professional athletes or coaches.  This is a unique event designed with fathers, mothers, and guardians of elementary aged children (3rd -5th grade) in mind.  They, along with their children, will be guided through age-appropriate drills designed to encourage and challenge their children. 
    The event will be held at Central Church, 11681 Greenwell Spring/Port Hudson Rd.  Go north on Joor until it ends, turn left and church is 1/2 mile on right.  Free registration begins at 12:00 noon and the event will be from 12:30 – 2:30.  This is open to the community, so please feel free to join in.