To recap last week's commentary: In the 2010 City Council Elections, Mr. Messina, Mr. Washington and Mr. LoBue made the campaign promise to give Central council elections by "District", allowing each area of the city to elect its own Council Member. In 2011 those same three Council Members voted down five Districts in a 3-2 vote against. They were, however, in favor of a plan that added two "At-Large" seats to the Council at a cost of over $80,000 for the four year term, but they failed in their effort to increase the size of Central's government.
Districts also has a down side. Under Districts each Council Member is SOLELY responsible to represent only 1/5 of the citizens of Central since the rest of the city does not vote in their race. Divisions, however, gives each area of the city a Council Member primarily assigned to represent the needs and concerns of that Division, but also allows 100% of the voters to vote in all five Council races. This keeps all five Council Members mindful of the fact that the greater good of the entire city must be considered in every decision, even as they seek to ensure that their Division is well represented in each Council action.
Divisions are not confusing. Five Divisions. Five races. Anyone can run. Everyone votes in every race. The five winners are Central's Council Members. How simple is that? If the citizens of Central want a Council Member assigned to represent each area of the city, Divisions seems to be the best and only way to make this happen.
I promised last week to debunk a few myths about Divisions. I watched the "Districts and Divisions" committee research process chaired by Council Member Messina. It was stated in these meetings, and confirmed by Mr. Messina, that under Divisions the Council members could be assigned to Divisions by the Mayor, assigned by alphabet, or drawn from a hat, and that the Division boundaries could be drawn by the Mayor. None of these things are true. No wonder some thought Divisions were confusing.
Divisions ARE NOT confusing and Divisions ARE the best and likely the ONLY way Central will have Council Members representing all areas of the city. If you agree, ask your Council Members to pass an Ordinance creating Divisions for Central's 2014 elections.
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