
Mormon Youth Make Church Program the First Priority of Their Day

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Submitted by Kathy Richardson
    High school students throughout Central, Pride, and Zachary meet early in the morning, five days a week for seminary study at the L.D.S. church in Pride. It’s usually still dark outside as students arrive and take their seats.
    This isn’t school. But freshman through seniors voluntarily attend every morning of the school week, all school year, for the entirety of their high school careers.
    “I am amazed every morning as they arrive. To ask a high school kid to get up before 5:00 am and be somewhere by 5:30 am-it’s a huge sacrifice, because sleep at this age is precious. I can’t think of a better way for them to start their day”, states their Seminary teacher, one of many in the greater Baton Rouge area.
    At the end of it all, they’ll be deemed seminary graduates by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which holds the program for high school students world-wide.
    Every morning, the students start with a hymn, a prayer, a peer-led devotion. They recite a memory verse several times over and then are taught a lesson from the scriptures. This year students are studying the New Testament.
    All high school students who are interested are welcome to join our Seminary. We meet in the LDS Chapel in Pride, La. Parental permission is required. Contact Kathy Richardson at 261-6968. (For more information about LDS Seminary go to