
CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association

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    “Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” This glorious statement made by Paul the apostle to Timothy, his young protégé, places in context the absolute excellence of God our Father. He lives without beginning or end, He is completely not mortal, He is invisible to the eye of man and He alone is wise. 
    It is safe to assume that Paul was contemplating his own mortality when he penned these words to Timothy. Being fully aware of his present state, imprisoned in Rome for the second time with the hope of release fading, he began to comfort himself in the knowledge of what one writer called the “otherness” of God. His particular source of encouragement was the thought of the eternal, immortal nature of God. God is eternal, having neither beginning nor end and He is immortal. He possesses no weakness and is not susceptible to death. 
    His confidence in God’s wisdom is just as remarkable as His understanding of the immortal nature of God. His conclusion was that his situation was not outside the confines of the wisdom of God. Here is where Paul’s message strikes home to believers. Paul refused to let his limitations render him ineffective and he refused to allow bitterness towards God into his heart. 
James the apostle tells us that when we lack wisdom, or when we need fresh a perspective concerning the things that we do not understand; God will give it to us liberally. 
Be Blessed,
Pastor Bill Parsons