
CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association

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By Marie Williams, Blackwater UMC

    While the weather does not say it yet, it’s fall.  School has started, busses are running and traffic witnesses that.  College students are moving into their dorms, classes are beginning, and yes, FOOTBALL is just around the corner.  I always get what I can only describe as a very nostalgic feeling at this time of year.  I especially feel that when I walk outside around the first of September and I can feel a change in the air.  It takes me back to my childhood and memories of wonderful, growing up days of my youth.

    It also reminds me of the orderliness of our world.  Our creator planned for the seasons to follow one another in order and for there to be a rhythm to life.  That life rhythm manifests itself in our days as we rest and wake, work, and play; in our weeks as we worship and observe Sabbath and go about the busyness of our schedules.  What I have come to learn over the years is that when I am intentional about taking a few moments to make thoughts of God a part of that rhythm of life, it makes all the difference.  To have the order and discipline in my life of daily time with God brings an order and rhythm and focus to my life that allows me to deal with the busyness and chaos that is part of our culture.  I invite you to make the rhythm of God time a part of your day and week.  It will make a difference.