
Ads on Sale Now for CHS Football Program Book

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Submitted by Stacey Cazes    
    Don't miss out on a great opportunity to advertise your business! We are selling ads for the Central High School Football Program Book. If anyone is interested, please contact Stacey Cazes at 235-2097 or email [email protected]. For technical questions regarding the submission of your ad, email Michael Spangler at [email protected]. You may also mail your completed ad to Michael Spangler, 15623 Wax Rd, Central LA 70818. Make checks payable to CHS Football. Thank you for your support! Deadline is August 10th. Prices are as follows:
Color Front Inside Cover ..$1500.00
Color Back Outside Cover $1000.00
Color Back Inside Cover …$750.00
Full Page ……………………..$300.00
Half Page ……………………..$150.00
Quarter Page ………………..$100.00
Business Card ……………….$75.00