
Central Cultural Foundation Organized

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By Mia Freneaux

    When the Art League of Central, The Central/Greenwell Springs Area Society of History, and the Central Community Theatre all expressed a need for some venue in which to perform or exhibit, added to the formation of the Arts Council for the City at the behest of Mayor Mac Watts, the time was ripe for the formation of the Central Cultural Foundation.  The CCF is dedicated to supporting and promoting the history, culture, and arts of our community.   With their first meeting held only a little over a month ago, this group of motivated individuals is already in the process of applying for non-profit status with the IRS, has created by-laws, and has appointed a Board of Directors.  The stated mission of this organization begins “To Provide a venue for museum display and an educational centre focusing upon historical, cultural and visual and performing arts in the City of Central.”

    During the formation process, the Central Cultural Foundation determined that its ten member Board of Directors should be a working Board, with each member assigned specific duties to perform.  The first Board consists of newly elected officers, Chairman – Dave Freneaux of Central Speaks, Vice Chairman – Attorney Ti Barnes, Treasurer – Forte & Tablada engineer Jason Ellis and Secretary – Realtor and Central Cornerstone Lee Rome.  At-Large Board Members are Mayor’s Assistant David Barrow, Title Insurance Marketing Representative Angie Rabalais, Magnolia Construction project manager Jon Simmons, and Central Councilman Aaron Moak, owner of Computer Evolutions.  Also on the Board are Stephanie Faucette representing the Arts Council and Vicki Carney representing the Historical Society.

    The CCF is open to all who wish to volunteer their time to any number of tasks, including artifact collection and preservation, fund raising, membership, grant writing, and event planning.  It is exciting to think that our history, the visual arts, the performing arts, all 3 of Central’s dance studios, and any other group interested in participating whose goals fall under the CCF’s provenance now have a place to go for grant writing, event support and planning, and venue potentials.  Central has a rich and wonderful history and a vibrant and growing arts community.  To have all of these aspects of our community life represented and supported in a fashion to guarantee their future success says much about our priorities.

    The Central Cultural Foundation is now planning their first activity, which will be the “CCF Coffee Hour” to be held on the second and fourth Thursdays in July at 7PM at Central Perk.  These events will be free family oriented opportunities to get out and meet with other culturally interested individuals to experience various forms of our culture and arts in a live venue.  More details to follow in upcoming editions.  To volunteer, or to get more information on the CCF, please call the office of Ti Barnes at 262-2212 or email the CCF at [email protected].