C4 Report: Stay Connected!
All we wanted was to just stay connected! Ever since we moved into our new office last week, we have been having troubles staying connected to our internet service. We haven’t been able to check or receive emails, pull up our operating software, or get online to check facebook, websites, etc. In the past, we occasionally might have gone a few hours or a day or two without staying connected but we are approaching a week! You never really realize how important staying connected can be until you are no longer! Which brings me to the point of this article, stay connected! Keep up with your network!
Sure, it is important to stay connected to your internet and network connections but I’m talking about the importance of your business “networking” connections. Whenever we’ve asked people what they expect from the chamber, the concept of networking is always at the top of the list. When I’ve gone to various conferences and hear the top expectations of a chamber, networking is always mentioned. If you’ve never done networking you might not see the importance of it, or you might feel intimidated by the process. If you have practiced networking, you can almost begin take it for granted or fail to utilize it long term, and thus lose your connections.
Many organizations have been formed to help with the concept of networking, but they can be limited to the number of businesses per category and can be costly. We care about our business community members and want to seem them succeed at every level! Therefore, we continually strive to offer increasing opportunities for our members to network; get connected. Through membership luncheons, business after hours, chamber sponsored activities, our directory, and now the new website, we provide the ability for our members to form their own powerful network and stay connected. The brief encounter and exchange of business cards could lead to a one time business deal or turn into a long term business relationship that could take your business to the next level! Enhance your network; join the City of Central Chamber! Start taking advantage of the many opportunities to get connected with other members and then stay connected; you’ll be glad you did!