
Girl Scouts Raise Money for Annual Giving Campaign

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Back row (L to R)  Madeline Mizell, Autumn Hamilton, Lauryn Martin, London Luquette, Gracelyn Champagne, Rose Fauver
Front row (L to R)  Julie Stevens, Lauren Ackoury, Haley Shaw and Ava Ziegler
Local Girl Scout Troops in the City of Central participated in the Girl Scout's of America Annual Giving Campaign which raises money to support Girl Scouts of America.  This year the local troops joined forces with Menchies Frozen Yogurt located in Central Square.  During the week of November 21st – November 27th Menchies donated 20% of customer sales who presented with the approved flyer/coupon.  On Thursday, November 24th girls representing the local troops visited Menchies to support their campaign and to say thanks.  This effort along with other fundraising activities helped the local troops raise $378.00 earning them a free weekend camp.  For more information on becoming a girl scout in the Central area please email