
U.S. Congressman Bill Cassidy Speaking at Republican Women of Central’s 10/19 Meeting

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Submitted by Betsy Barnes

Bill Cassidy wears many hats: Baton Rouge physician, teacher, LSU Associate Professor of Medicine, and U.S. Congressman, to name a few. He has also been called a hero on more than one occasion.

Bill Cassidy will be the special guest speaker for the Republican Women of Central Membership Meeting and Luncheon on Wednesday, October 19, at Sammy’s Grill in Central. Doors open at 11:30a.m. Meeting starts at 12p.m.

Cost is $20 for guests, and $15 for members which includes lunch, meeting and door prize drawing.

Congressman Cassidy is a favorite speaker and visitor to the Central area. It’s been a busy week for Cassidy.

On Tuesday Cassidy was interviewed by Fox Business news on the Solyndra bankruptcy scandal under investigation for alleged shady federal financing with losses of $500 million in tax dollars. This has resulted in the beginning of new investigations throughout federal regulatory agencies within the Obama administration. Solyndra will be the focus of a hearing in the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the near future.  The complete interview can be seen

Last Thursday, October 6, Cassidy voted to create jobs and stop burdensome EPA regulation on the cement industry, helping to pass the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act. That could bring hope to local contractors in Louisiana.

“Today, the House of Representatives passed the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act.  This bill will direct the EPA to create common-sense regulations to allow the cement industry the flexibility to expand while complying with the EPA’s rules,” said Cassidy in a press release.

“Government, including the EPA, should work to create a stable marketplace and predictable regulatory environment. In Louisiana, these regulations have affected businesses that focus on manufacturing and energy development which have the potential to create jobs across our state.”

On the very same day, Cassidy announced that Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kenney of Baton Rouge have been named Angels in Adoption by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI).  Congressman Cassidy nominated them for this award.  They will be honored at the annual CCAI awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.

In addition to these accomplishments, Cassidy is considered a hero by the victims of the Stanford “Ponzi” scheme costing many local and state residences their entire life savings. He continues to work to help victims recover millions of dollars in stolen investments and convict those involved on a local, state and federal level.

The RWC will also announce the 2012 Slate of Officers for the club presented by the Nominations Committee. Active members in good standing may volunteer or nominate other members to run as a candidate at this meeting only. Elections take place on November 16, 2011.

Absentee ballot request forms will be available in Central at this meeting to make it easier for many who may not otherwise cast their vote in the upcoming October 22nd elections.

Absentee ballot requests forms are also available at the office of attorney Walton J. “Ti” Barnes, II. today through October 18 at 12628 Hooper Road, Suite A, from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. week days. Absentee ballot requests can be faxed or mailed to the Registrar of Voters office.

Once voters receive their ballots at their home address from the Registrar’s office, voters can completed ballots but must mail to the Registrar’s offices or fax no later than 4:30p.m. on October 21, 2011 to be counted.

For information on RWC sponsorship, membership, reservations or information on future events, please email or visit their website at, or Face Book page Republican Women of Central.