
Tuesday’s City Council Agenda to Include Council Vote on Districts

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The City Council will meet this Tuesday, September 27 at 6 PM at Kristenwood in a piblic meeting.  The agenda is as follows:

The rules for conducting such public hearings are as follows:

1)         In compliance with R.S. 42:14(d) and Ordinance 2011-8, members of the public will be allowed to speak on any item upon which a vote is to be taken that is included on the agenda. The applicant will speak first for a period not to exceed 10 minutes. Other proponents will speak next, then the opponents. Each speaker will be allowed not more than three minutes. The speakers are requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations.

2)         The proponents will be allowed three minutes for rebuttal.

3)         Each councilman will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes to express his views on any one subject without interruption from the other members upon initial consideration and five (5) minutes for rebuttal.

I.          Preliminary Business

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of minutes from the September 13, 2011 council meeting.

II.        Unfinished Business


III.       New Business

  1. Mayor’s report and presentations
  2. Report from Doug Browning, City of Central Chief of Police concerning deputy patrolling within the city.  (Council Member Messina)
  3. Transportation Planner Committee—Each Councilman appoint one person to this committee by no later than Friday September 30, 2011.  The purpose of the committee will go over the RFP’s and decide on the Transportation Element Plan Consultant for the City of Central (Councilman LoBue)
  4. Report from IBTS concerning services provided to the City of Central.
  5. Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the October 11, 2011council meeting).
  6. To amend and re-enact Appendix J of Title 7, The Unified Development Code, and to provide for related matters. (Council Member Washington)
  7. Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s):
  8. An Ordinance to amend the 2011-2012 Annual Budget to appropriate $104,268.04 of the City of Central’s One Half-Cent Sales and Use Tax for Revised Right-of-Way Maps, Roadway Final Plans, and Sewer Final Plans in Compliance with Phase II, Part 5, (Final Right-of-Way Map) and Phase III (Final Plans) in connection with the

Hooper-Sullivan Intersection Improvements (State Project DOTD No. H.002320 and City-Parish Project No. 11-TL-HC-0032) and the Hooper Road Improvements (Joor to Sullivan, State Project No. H.002317 and City-Parish Project No. 08-TL-HC-0034.) (Council Member Moak)

  1. An Ordinance to amend the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year Budget for the One-Half Cent Sales and Use Tax Dedicated for Road Improvements to Appropriate $5,000 to Soil Testing for Frenchtown Road and to Provide for related matters.  (Council Member DeJohn)
  2. An Ordinance to establish a seven-member Council with five members to be elected from single-member Districts and two members to be elected at-large and to provide for related matters.  (Council Member Messina)
  3. Other items for discussion by council:
  4. None

IV.       Zoning Cases

  1. Introduction of the following item(s) (with Public Hearing to be held at the October 11, 2011 council meeting):
  2. RZ-1-11 Rezoning of Portion of Tract Y of the Thomas H. Robertson Property. 

This property is located on the east side of Joor Road near the Hooper Road intersection north of Morgan Place Subdivision.  The applicant is proposing to rezone from R(Rural) to LC-1 (Light Commercial One District) for a contractor business.  (Applicant:  Paul J. Burns).

  1. RZ-2-11 Rezoning of Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29 of Indian Mound Subdivision. 

This property is located on the southwest corner of the Chickasaw and Liberty Road intersection.  The applicant is proposing to rezone from A-1 (Single Family Residential), B-1 (Transition), C-1 (Light Commercial) to A-2 (Single Family Residential) for single family residential land use.  (Applicant Mickey L. Robertson)

  1. Discussion and Action regarding the following case(s):
  2. RZ-10-08 Rev Site Plan Revision (Deferred from July 28th Meeting) – This property is located on the south side of Wax Road between Willowbrook Dr. and W. Brookside Dr. on Lot Y of the Brian Tract, being in Sections 8 & 9, T-6-S, R-2-E, GLD, EBR, LA.  The applicant is proposing to increase the square footage of the shopping center from 21,360 sq. ft. to 25,908 sq. ft. (Applicant:  Kimble-Development of Central)

Commission Action (August 25, 2011):  A motion to defer RZ-10-08 Revision was made by Wade Giles, seconded by Mr. Paul Burns.  Vote:  6 yeas (Messrs: Bonvillain, Burns, Giles, Rauls, Reado, Walker), 0 nays and 1 absent (Mr. Johnson).
Commission Action (September 22, 2011):  The Zoning Commission will hear this case on September 22, 2011.

V.        Other Business

  1. Public Comment

* Restricted to items not on the agenda.  A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each.

  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

NOTE:  Pursuant to the requirements of La. R.S. 42:19, no matter may be discussed by the Central City Council unless it appears on the agenda published at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting unless the members of the council vote unanimously to take up the matter.