Monday’s School Board Agenda (Abbreviated)
The following items are on the CCSS School Board Meeting agenda for Monday, June 27th at Kristenwood beginning at 6 PM.
7. To adopt a resolution to establish the millage rates for the 2011 Tax Rolls. (Mr. Faulk)
8. To consider the Superintendent's recommendations relative to 2 year contracts for administrators and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk)
9. To receive a report from the Human Resources/Policies Committee Meeting held on June 14, 2011 and take appropriate action. (Mrs. Browning)
a. Revised job descriptions for elementary school counselors and counselors grades 6 thru 12.
b. Reclassification of the job position Supervisor of Child Nutrition to Director of Child Nutrition and the revision of the current job description.
c. Review of the Requests for Proposals for General Counsel and Bond Counsel and schedule interview session for the whole board.
d. Consider approval of a new position to address dropout prevention of students.
10. To receive a report from the Finance Committee Meeting held on June 20, 2011 and take appropriate action relative to the following agenda items:
a. The Revised Food Service Budget for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year.
b. The Tentative Food Service Budget for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year.
c. The Revised General Fund Budget for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year.
d. The Tentative General Fund Budget for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year.
11. To consider the staff's recommendations to award bids for products to be utilized by the Food Service Department for the 2010-2011 School Year. (Mr. Faulk)
12. To consider the staff's recommendations relative to Drug Testing Services and take appropriate action. (Mr. Faulk)
13. To consider approval to initiate a Memorandum of Understanding with Career Compass to provide College and Career Coaching for Grade 12, Individual College and Career Coaching for Grade 11, Graduation Coaching for identified At-Risk, Counseling for top 10% of Junior Class, 5-7 Grade College Awareness/Career Assessments, 8th Grade Individual Graduation Plan Assistance and College Awareness Seminars. (Mr. Faulk)
14. To consider a motion to engage General Counsel Services for the Central Community School System. (Dr. Gardner)