St. Alphonsus & Diocese of Baton Rouge Get Ready for Catholics Coming Home
Submited by Deacon Ronnie Hebert
March 9, Ash Wednesday, a media campaign began in this area inviting Catholics who have been away from the sacraments to “come home.” St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church, along with the rest of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, the Archdiocese of New Orleans, and the dioceses of Houma-Thibodaux and Lafayette are participating in this evangelization program to invite those who are interested in knowing more about how they can participate as full members of the Catholic Church to come and experience what the Catholic church provides.
During this Lenten season, there will be commercials that invite people to seek Jesus Christ. They will invite Catholics to come home and anyone else who wants to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church.
The advertisements for “Catholics Come Home” that will appear in the Diocese of Baton Rouge, direct those responding to the ads to go to the website This website contains answers to the most commonly asked questions and concerns people would have about being active members of the Catholic Church. You could describe the Catholic Church as historic, unwavering and now, cutting edge. Through the Catholics Come Home campaign, the church has embraced television advertising and the internet to bring non-practicing Catholics back into the embrace of the church.
Here in the City of Central, St. Alphonsus would like to welcome our brothers and sisters in faith back home to the Catholic Church. If they have been away for a little while for any reason, we want to invite them to have another look and give us an opportunity to welcome them back. We miss them, and our faith community isn’t complete without them.