
Central High School Freshman Spirit Squad Tryouts & Parents Meeting

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Submitted by Susan Freeman

The first step to becoming a Central High School JV Cheerleader, Varsity Cheerleader, or Kitten (dance team) is being in the freshmen cheer/dance squad. Cheering/dancing in the freshmen spirit squad is now mandatory to try out for future spirit groups.
There will be a MANDATORY PARENT & STUDENT MEETING at Central High School in the school cafeteria, 6:30 p.m. on April 6th (Wednesday).  A parent and the student must attend this meeting in order for the student to be eligible to tryout.  A tryout fee of $15 is due at this time as well as a copy of the student’s current schedule listing teachers.  Information regarding clinic and tryouts will be given at this time.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
Mrs. Dows [email protected]
Mrs. Freeman [email protected]