Central Relay for Life Update
By Beth Fussell
The Central Relay for Life kickoff was held last Friday at the Central library. For those of you who could not make it, here are some details from the meeting:
Central Relay for Life is being held on Saturday, October 23rd this year. This is a change from the past few years, when Relay was held on a Friday. This move is being made in an effort to avoid conflict with the Central High and Central Private football games, as our community is very supportive of those teams. Relay will also start a little earlier- 3 p.m. instead of 6:30- so that more kids can come out and enjoy the fun with their parents before it gets too late in the evening.
Teams have already begun to form. If your business would like to form a team, there is still plenty of time to do so. Some people also form teams with their friends and family members or their service organization. Register your team online at If you would like to contribute to Relay for Life but do not wish to form or join a team, there are two ways to do that. You can donate to Relay, or you can become a volunteer. Volunteers are needed all day at the Relay, so there are many opportunities to help with things like setting up, cleaning up, serving food, preparing luminarias for the ceremony, etc. This is a great option for people who need to accumulate service hours for an organization, and people of any age can volunteer. If you would like to become a volunteer, send an email to [email protected]. Cancer survivors are also very much encouraged to come to Relay for Life, as they are a huge part of what Relay is all about. Survivors wll be honored the night of the Relay, and more information about that will be posted as it becomes available.
This year's Relay for Life theme will be a huge birthday party, as the American Cancer Society's current focus is "Creating a World with More Birthdays" through cancer prevention and treatment. Mark your calendars for October 23rd and come celebrate with Central at Relay for Life. The next team captain meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 29th at noon at the Central Library on Joor Road. Thank you to the people at Corner Cafe, who provided free lunch for last Friday's meeting.