St. Alphonsus VBS June 7-11
From the St. Alphonsus Weekly Newsletter
The Vacation Bible School theme for St. Alphonsus this year is Power Lab: Discovering Jesus' Miraculous Power. VBS will run from June 7th through 11th from 9 AM to noon. There is no cost to attend Vacation Bible School at St. Alphonsus. VBS is for children 4 years of age through the 6th grade at the end of the 2009-2010 school year. Registration forms for VBS can be found in the church office, in the back of the church, or on the church's website at
Volunteers and items are still needed for VBS. You can find volunteer forms the same places that you can pick up registration forms. VBS is in need of the following items, so please contact the church office at if you can donate any of these things:
Capri Sun drinks (200 needed per day), individually packaged Goldfish crackers (sold at Wal Mart in 12-pack boxes), individually packaged animal crackers (need about 200 packs), chocolate pudding cups (200 needed), Teddy Graham crackers (need 5 boxes), Nilla Wafer cookies (need 5 bags/boxes), blue Jello cups (need 200), apples or bananas, individually packaged regular size Oreo cookies (need 200- sold at Wal Mart in 12-pack boxes).