
Local Economic Development Foundation Reaches International Audience

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City of Central, Louisiana – May 3, 2010 – The Central Economic Development Foundation launched its new website at a VIP event held last Thursday evening at Councilman Louis DeJohn’s home. “This new website not only communicates why Central is such a fantastic place to start a business, but allows this message to be communicated through different medias and across language barriers,” reports Brockwell Bone, owner of Bone Marketing, the marketing firm that developed the new website and organized the event. “We employed tools that easily allow visitors to share the site through emails, across social sites like Facebook, and make pages popular on Google and Yahoo! Buzz.”
Mayor Mac Watts, Steering Committee Member of the Foundation, is a Board Member on the Scandinavian American Economic Development Alliance, a 6-state coalition that attracts “green” industry found in the Scandinavian countries. “The Mayor’s position, coupled with the invitation to a dozen or so companies to visit the city of Central this fall from the Scandinavian countries, made it necessary to include a website translation feature to make information about the city of Central available to desirable industries across the globe regardless of geographic location,” explains Bone. The Foundation website can be translated into 26 languages.
The Central Economic Development Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to economic and community development in the City of Central. The Foundation will invest its time, energy and resources into capital projects that will increase Central’s tax base and employment; education initiatives; and the marketing of Central and its business community. Supporting organizations include DEMCO, Coca-Cola, Hancock Bank and others. More information about the Central Economic Development Foundation can be found at