Message from Senator Vitter on Spending
The following is an update from Senator David Vitter about government spending. (Central Speaks does not support one specific side on these issues, but we feel that it is important to post updates from our Congressmen when available.)
This week, the Senate will consider another massive expansion of federal debt increasing our national debt by another $1.9 trillion – that’s right, trillion!
In our families, we have to make tough choices when the family budget is tight. We don’t have the option to simply choose to spend more than we can afford.
But that’s not how it works in Congress. The Washington way is just to spend and spend without any thought to the repercussions or any concerns for how we are passing an unmanageable burden of debt to our children and grandchildren.
Families have to balance their budgets and can’t just decide to spend without considering the ability to pay bills. That’s how Washington should work too. And that’s why I am fighting against the massive spending increases and bailouts that have become commonplace in Washington.
We should be reducing our federal spending and balancing our federal budget – just as families across America are doing in these tough economic times. And I will keep up the fight to protect our family budgets from irresponsible spending in Washington.