
Central Schools Closed Today

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All Central Community schools, along with Livingston Parish School System schools, Zachary schools,  and East Baton Rouge schools, are closed today, January 8. The temperatures today will range from 37 degrees to a near record breaking 21 degrees. Schools are closed due to the severe cold (for southern Louisiana) and the risk of dangerous ice on the roads. Temperatures will likely sink just as low on Saturday, so be careful if you go out this weekend.

Central Public Works crews placed sand oon several roadways and bridges last night to help prevent dangerous slippery ice from causing wrecks. Central crews have been on the streets as early as 5 a.m. this morning checking on bridges for icing.  Please be prepared for possible bridge closures if icing exists.
DOTD is responsible for bridges on state highways.
PLEASE exercise caution in driving on local roadways and bridges, especially this morning, as the temperature is not expected to rise above freezing until after noon today, according to Jay Grymes.