Central Voters Approve Three Taxes To Support Schools
Central voters went to the polls Saturday to consider three taxes in support of the Central Community School System’s capital improvement needs. Propostion One, a half-cent sales tax to fund replacaing Central Middle School, passed with a 65% yes vote. Proposition Two, a $12 million property tax to make repairs to existing schools, passed with a 54% yes vote.
Proposition Three, a $20 million property tax to build a new elementary school went down to the wire, passing with just over 50% of the vote. Of 7,078 votes cast, the proposition passed by 142 votes.
The tax propositions, which were a greatly scaled down version of the taxes that were defeated last July, received a great deal of publicity due to the efforts of organized citizen’s groups.
Follow this link to the advocate’s coverage of the election results: ADVOCATE
The slide show below includes election day efforts to get out the vote, a gathering of supporters at Cooper Catering, and watching as the returns were tallied at the Central Fire Station.