
Central Voters Approve Three Taxes To Support Schools

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Central voters went to the polls Saturday to consider three taxes in support of the Central Community School System’s capital improvement needs. Propostion One, a half-cent sales tax to fund replacaing Central Middle School, passed with a 65% yes vote. Proposition Two, a $12 million property tax to make repairs to existing schools, passed with a 54% yes vote.

Proposition Three, a $20 million property tax to build a new elementary school went down to the wire, passing with just over 50% of the vote. Of 7,078 votes cast, the proposition passed by 142 votes.

The tax propositions, which were a greatly scaled down version of the taxes that were defeated last July, received a great deal of publicity due to the efforts of organized citizen’s groups.

Follow this link to the advocate’s coverage of the election results: ADVOCATE

The slide show below includes election day efforts to get out the vote, a gathering of supporters at Cooper Catering, and watching as the returns were tallied at the Central Fire Station.