Public Records

The Transparency Project

City of Central Public Records

Click here to view City of Central Public Records at The Transparency Project

Early in 2017 the City of Central removed ten years of Public Records from the City's official website. Despite requests from a number of citizens to restore on-line public access to those records, Mayor Shelton has been unwilling to do so. These documents include the minutes and agendas of the meetings of Central's City Council, Planning Commission, Zoning Commission, and Board of Adjustments, as well as the Ordinances enacted by the City and other financial and city planning documents.

As a citizen of Central and the editor and owner of the Central Speaks newspaper, I believe that it is important that citizens have simple and unrestricted access to these important Public Records. I made public records requests for copies of these documents and have made them available to everyone at

This was and is a large project, so I prioritized getting the documents together and available, and will work on making them all text-searchable as time allows. The City was and is missing documents, and I have secured a number of those from my own files. If you find an error or something missing, let me know and I will try to correct. ANY public record that you would like to see added to this resource, please send it to me or tell me what it is and I will try to get it. (I am still working on Council Minutes prior to 2013)

I believe this effort was completely unnecessary, and was caused solely by Mayor Shelton’s active removal of these records from the city’s website and his unwillingness to simply restore them with a few keystrokes. I believe those choices completely ignored the transparency that citizens deserve from their elected officials. That's the way I see it. – Dave Freneaux

The Public Records are organized as follows, with each document type organized by year:

Council minutes


P&Z minutes

Board of Adjustments minutes

Financial Documents



Planning Documents

      Master Plan

      Transportation Plan

      SDAT Study

      Emergency Preparedness Plan

      Floodplain Management Plan

      Zoning Maps


Click here to view City of Central Public Records at The Transparency Project